A Decent Guy

O please!
I adore your left nostril more than any man could admire a whole row of geese...
Accept my honesty for what it is...
Hear my unheard plea’s!
I can't stand by- and watch you waste your time...

While this Guy pours out his empty lines...
If you are smarter than me- than surely you are blind!

Can't you tell when a Man is full of Shit!?
Or Are His looks all that gain your respect?
O What a shame to be a gentle man these days.
Dealing with the likes of you could kill any mans hope...
Chivalry is Dead! You are the reason and the proof!
Pardon if this seems like a joke- It’s only the truth!
Oh Dear-
I fear - I may be wasting my breath.
But True love nowadays is on the respirator- breathing it’s last little death.

Heartless creatures brings this all to mind.
Women are so evil- they don’t even get along with their own kind!

So My heart beats in fragmented Rhymes-
I hate to face the truth alone- but It’s better than your shallow eyes...
You criticize! Laugh amongst your friends and pretend!
Yet who will be there in the end?

See I was raised to think- You could meet a girl with class-
And with a gentle pass- in time- win her affection and gain her trust.
But now we lose points if we even blush!
We stand alone and are crushed...
While we watch you hand out your vaginas like smarties on Halloween!!!

Things are no longer what they seem...
What we are.. Is what we think and dream.

Okay... perhaps you all aren’t evil and mean...
Bad Luck must just follow guys like me...
But we are the last of a dying breed-
You have killed us all and our romantic gleams...
And still you have the nerve to wonder why??
I just can’t meet a decent guy!!

We are all dead!
From things past men have said
You clump us as one -

So you won’t call to mind-

Your deep dark fear!!!

Which We finally know...

As modern society easily shows-

You have lost our respect!

We hate being your regrets...

Because who else will tell you that you look perfect- when all you have is one patch left?

So the next time one of us passes by-maybe- you will be gentle, caring, and not lie-
To Yourself...
When you say "No good men are anywhere to be found."
We are looking to the heavens - You’re still looking at the ground!

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