What words would say...
Planes gently land while passengers are eager to exit to reveal their extra carry on...
Men slush through the melting snow to fill supermarkets- in search of cards that will never express their deep hidden devotion...
A young child receives her first love letter and can't help but criticize his heart shaped drawings...
Eyes shine brighter as moonlit kisses land effortlessly on cheeks and fresh glossed lips...
Words echo "Will you"... as sounds seemingly burst from chests like singers in search of a note...
Poets dine alone and watch the world move on in wonderment...
Glasses are lifted high while graves are revisited in the still of night...
What words would say...
A Woman in Harlem walks home- her raw hands filled with groceries to make her children warm dinner...
A Man in Seattle prays bedside for the strongest woman he's ever known...
Kids rush out of school buses with bags of candy wondering what all the fuss is about-
Flowers are tossed aside as soldiers finally return home...
Wrinkled hands of wisdom clasp tighter than years of old...
Classic records are revisited...
Price tags on cheap wine bottles are scraped viciously with car keys...
First kisses are felt...
The Cliche becomes suddenly praised...
Jaws drop as perfectly placed rose petals lead a path to a very small box...
What words would say...
A Taxi Driver in NYC prepares for yet another crazy night...
Dresses are thrown around closets while old ties are found and finally thrown away...
Pictures are taken in every romantic location
While single waiters try to pass the night without stabbing someone in the neck with a fork...
A fearless soldier walks up the longest driveway of his life to hand a letter he wish didn't have in his hand...
A father sweats as he tries to explain to his children the nature of the "birds & the bee's"
A mother looks out her kitchen window to see the man of her dreams still has the energy after work to wrestle with the kids...
What words would say...
The world wakes up and walks of shame begin as others rush to brunch and get to know each other...
Love is somehow lost again in the shuffle as complacency sets in...
We forget the simple moments...
The ones right in front of us now...
The beautiful seconds spent effortlessly in the presence of those we love...
What words would say... If they could play along to the Rhythm of your beating heart...