It's Important To Wait...
I wait for my senses to reach their full potential...
I've broken down in a whirlwind of love...
I wait for her to leave once more- For her to no longer grasp my attention...
Where has all this love gone?
I wonder where it will go- when I continue to press on the page again...
I love her like a poet- from the wings...
The way she floats instead of dances daily brings me to my feet
What great love (to feel this way)
True love will one day renew this cold heart from the warm fiery deaths of winters past...
To know that I experienced each moment confidently aware brings no shame...
How will I wait?
Why will I wait?
It's important to wait...
I will love her like the stars... Patiently reassuring her of eternity...
She presses her feet once more to the dance floor but I'm fully aware she will never touch the ground.